Photo: E+
In the famous words of "Full House's" Stephanie Tanner... "How Rude!"
What are some actions that you would consider to be "rude?" What is rude to some, might not be considered rude to others, but actions like cutting someone off in traffic, kicking the back of someone's seat on an airplane, and interrupting someone while they are speaking are universally considered rude. While there are probably rude people scattered across the entire state, one city in particular houses the greatest number of "rude" individuals according to people who inhabit that city.
According to a list compiled by Preply, the rudest city in all of Pennsylvania is Philadelphia. This city ranked as the number one rudest city in America.
Here's what Preply had to say about compiling the data to discover the cities with the rudest residents across the country:
"We surveyed over 1,500 residents of the 30 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S. and asked them about the rudeness level of their city, including the prominence of certain typically rude behaviors, to help travelers determine what to expect when visiting. Respondents also answered questions about cultural differences abroad."
For a continued list of cities with the rudest people across the U.S. visit